
August 21, 2007

The moment has passed...

Ever felt lost in those scenes that seemed to steal the words from your heart? Mesmerized by the magic of the moment...when the dialogues seem perfect and somehow familiar? Like you have heard it before in your dreams, in your own wistful musings, in another lifetime perhaps?

"When you love someone.
You say it, you say it out loud.
Right now. Or the moment..."

Long pause...when he stares right into her eyes, as if searching for something...a glint of understanding? An affirmation? For those few moments, the sounds of the waves hitting the shore die down, the boat's motor stops roaring, just silence and a comfortable warmth as they look at each other; the sun ripples off the waves and fills everything around them in a golden haze...and a heartbeat later, the boat passes under a bridge, he swallows hard and she looks away, breaking the spell...the sun shines on them again but, the moment has passed.

"... passes you by, yeah."

Or the succinct, powerful, absolutely-madly-irrevocably-in-love declaration by Robert to Francesca:

"This kind of certainty comes but once in a lifetime."

Just perfect.

And just like life.


GG said...
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RS said...

Hey GG, I guess you figured out I had the links pointing to the source :) Yes, the dialogue is from "My best friend's wedding" - it's just perfectly pictured, amazing chemistry between Julia Roberts and Dermot Mulroney :)

Zeppelin said...

oh my god! there are a very few people i have come across who've seen 'The Bridges of Madison County'...

perfect line that! i was dying to remember what movie that was from...and then realized you've linked.. :)

RS said...

arun - :)) They are showing it on TV this week sometime on Oxygen, I think. Just finished reading the book a second time...powerful narration.

dinesh said...

I saw TBOMC too....nice !

RS said...

dinesh - read the book...

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