Today was a disaster. We went home for lunch today and I was busy talking to my mom about the Rehman show and my story (yes, I force her also to read my stories :) on the phone, when k got all jealous (I bet he just wanted to grab some attention!) and dropped a bowl full of my beetroot curry down. It smashed into little pieces and I almost wept for my beetroot curry - it even had grated coconut :(

And then dad got all worried that we would hurt ourselves by walking over the smashed bits ("You have to clean the kitchen floor with a wet cloth. Be careful."). After eating, I tried to balance my plate on the rising pile of dishes in the sink, while washing my free hand under the tap and suddenly, the plate lost balance and a small wave of dirty sink water splashed on me. I had to change and then hurry back to work.

Ok, now for the pleasant stuff. These are some of the pictures that we (k, b & p) took at the Georgetown Kite Festival. It was a totally splendid day - good weather, good food, entertainment - dances, music, kites. We almost didn't want to leave early to catch the Rehman concert. If you live nearby, it's something that you shouldn't be missing. It's fun every year :)

There was this kid at the kitefest who danced throughout the cultural programmes, she seemed more enthusiastic than the dancers on stage. p~ thought she had music in her head :) k, as usual, became one with the kites and had to be disentangled eventually and gotten back to solid ground.
If there's one thing that I will miss if I ever leave Lexington, it's Georgetown Kite Festival (make that two - and The Shakespeare Festival, make that three...and...oh never mind!)
I can't wait till next year.:) .. Will your post be titled "Go fly a kite again again!"? I really did not want to leave the beautiful spring behind, with its nice wind for the kites and awesome food :)
Yes, the beet root curry was awesome, I had to cleanup the mess I made :(
hey! u guys seem to be having a splendid time..first the concert and then this...ensoy!
Is Rehman performing in US any time soon? do enlighten me. I dont have a clue about it and googling didnt take me very far either.
kites are fun. its very bad that i never mastered the art of kite flying :(
Cool...sounds like a lot of fun :)
Austin has an annual kite festival too :)
I want details of the Rehman show - were there any good singers?
Hey RS,
Loved the story!
And these pictures remind me of the Kites on Ice we used to attend in my earlier home city.
Man, the food looked really delicious!
Didnt kamal make a kite this year?
Hey, u get to wear all sort of colorful n beautiful clothes while K's gotta be satisfied with his "springy blue shirt"? :))
Btw, landed on ur blog when i made a google search for "gatecall" :)
And i like your colorful posts! Keep 'em coming!
Your blog's like sun TV and K's like JJ. Paavam avan, oru "perfect life" vaazhanum nu oru kattaayam :). The slightest mishap, next day, mosakutti.blogspot.com la telecast aayidum ! :)
I guess it's been a year since I started blogging. Remember last year's kite festival ? It was great fun...
kamal - :)), Go fly a kite - losing count...?
rt - :)
hellboy - hey, not sure where else he is performing, here is a link: http://columbus.eknazar.com/Events/events.shtml?14024=
We found the event on ticket master...it is not a professional show - more like Miami university students perfoming to Hindi and Tamil songs...
gg - Besides Vasundhara Das and Rehman, I cant recall any other famous singers...more like a college show :)
saranya - thanks :)
prabhu - nope, clash with rehman concert, so cdnt spend much time!
Sowmya - yup, springy, his favourite season and t-shirt :) Thanks!
Dinesh - Whatever made you think I blog everything that happens to me?
Having said that, I do love to write about anything - trivial or serious that captures my fancy, so I do! Also there is the question of trust, I basically trust my readers, I like to trust :) and so I write :)
Dinesh, I do remember that kite fest, was one of the best times I ever had!
just looked at the pics...and read abt beetroot curry :-)
nice hats!
bus - you are late!
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